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​Hazzan Howard K. Glantz


Hazzan Howard K. Glantz is a native of West Hartford, Connecticut.  He became a bar mitzvah where his family enjoyed active membership, attended Hebrew High School and was confirmed at Temple Beth El.  Howard attended Camp Ramah of New England in Palmer, Massachusetts in the capacity of camper, counselor and visiting clergy.


In 1979, Hazzan became the first high school student to earn a place in the Matei Yehudah program of Sherut La’am run by the Sochnut (Israel’s Jewish Agency). There, his conversational Hebrew flourished, a deep connection to Eretz Yisrael took root, and his love of teaching began with helping at-risk Israeli youth who struggled with their schooling. While in Israel, Glantz also served as a baritone in the Great Synagogue Choir under the direction of Cantor Naftali Herstik.


Hazzan Glantz is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst with a concentration in counseling psychology. He received his Investiture of Hazzan at the H.L. Miller Cantorial School at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City and is a graduate of it’s Brit Kodesh program, training under the direction of Dr. Jacob Shragowitz, MD, Certified Mohel. Hazzan Glantz has been serving the Jewish community in this capacity  since 1991, and is fondly referred to as “the doctor’s moyel”.


Dedicated to cultivating the love of nusach and Hazzanut, Hazzan Glantz served first as Associate Hazzan to the much-revered Hazzan Larry Vieder, z"l, at Adat Shalom Synagogue in Farmington Hills, MI.  In 1994, Glantz was invested as Hazzan of Adat Shalom Synagogue, serving the Greater Detroit and Ann Arbor Jewish communities for 13 years.
In 2004, Hazzan Glantz succeeded his beloved teacher and world-renowned Hazzan and composer Charles S. Davidson at Congregation Adath Jeshurun in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania.


Howard is a three time recipient of the Brookdale Scholarship Award of New York City’s Montefiore Hospital, recognized for distinguished pastoral care of patients who span diverse religious beliefs, cultures and communities. He has served as a member of the Cantor’s Assembly Executive Committee and is an Honorary Member of the Jewish War Veterans South Philadelphia Post #98, a recipient of the Federation of Men’s Clubs  Man of the Year Award, and AJ Women’s Association Person of Achievement Award.

Hazzan Glantz is an accomplished guitarist and vocalist with extensive knowledge of traditional and contemporary liturgy. He is also known as a gifted teacher of children and an honored professional in the Jewish and musical communities. Glantz has performed in venues both nationally and internationally such as Detroit’s Fox Theater, The Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts, The National Museum of American Jewish History and The Great Synagogue of Jerusalem as well as numerous Cantor’s conventions and interfaith programs.  In January of 2015, Hazzan Glantz had the honor of co-officiating in City Hall with Mayor Michael Nutter at the wedding for then Israel Deputy Consul General, Elad Strohmayer to Oren Ben-Yosef, a first for the city of Philadelphia.


In Elkins Park, Hazzan Glantz has poured his passion and unique vision of the congregation’s liturgy into spiritual practice.   His craft of Hazzanut has been described as accessible, spiritually uplifting while being participatory, dynamic and emotionally moving.  Hazzan Glantz holds sacred his pastoral care duties, providing a warm and welcoming environment for discussion, learning and spirituality.  


Howard brings passion, experience and expertise when performing lifecycle events, giving special focus as a Certified Mohel and a skilled and engaging wedding officiant. Dedicated to cultivating the next generation of committed and educated Jews, Hazzan employs both cutting edge technology and  “old school” techniques to reach b’nei mitzvah students, teens, preschool children and young families. Howard loves teaching, but also enjoys learning from his students, particularly regarding pop culture and sports.


Glantz has been acknowledged for his creative endeavors such as musical compositions, programming and inspired services. Perhaps most famous locally, he is known for writing, producing and directing the annual Purim Shpiel which is filled with camaraderie and kindness, joy, laughter and a strong Jewish message. Lifelong learning being a value Howard models and recommends, he is currently enrolled in the Rabbinical School at the Academy for Jewish Religion in Yonkers, New York. 


Hazzan Glantz and his wife Dayna reside in Jenkintown and are the very proud parents of Rafi, Remy, Rose, Rory, and Luna 🐾

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